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Reflections on my Inner Winter...

Reflecting on day one of my bleed and how intentional I have been today so that I can still do the things that I have to do (e.g. go to work) while still making sure that I 'slow down'.

As I have gotten to know my cycle better over the last year of journeying deeply with her I have come to the realisation that slowing down during my bleed time - my inner winter - is the BEST thing I can do for myself to help ease my debilitating symptoms (more on that another time) and be able to function like a half normal human.

And that doesn't mean disappearing from the world for the next 3-5 days no matter how tempting and for me sometimes necessary that is. But it does mean doing things with more intention, more slowness and more ease - even the things that I don't really feel like doing at this time in my cycle AND letting go of the things that can wait a few days (e.g. housework)

And today has been a really good example of that for myself to recognise and acknowledge. I woke this morning not really knowing if I would start bleeding today as I was on day 36 of my cycle and technically 4 days overdue. I had been experiencing some light cramping which is usually a telltale sign but no blood had come. Then this morning after a trip to the bathroom there she was, my beautiful blood and day 36 became day 1 of my cycle. Winter had come.

But I had to go to work today. I had deadlines to meet. And so I chose to just go slow. To not rush into my day. To complete my morning routine and get ready for work with ease and compassion for myself. I put on a beautiful 'chill' playlist and I did everything slowly. Made my breakfast, had a shower, got ready for work. There was no rushing. And it felt so good, so spacious, so nourishing.

And this was a great example to myself that even though I had my period and was potentially about to descend into my usual cave of pain and suffering, that I was still able to get things done but in a way that was really supportive.

And when I got to work I let my lovely colleagues know that I was one day one of my bleed and that I might be a bit slower today but I would still complete my assigned tasks and I ended up having a really good day despite some of my usual symptoms starting to flair up.

I drove home with the same chilled playlist on, made myself a delicious cup of cacao (which is a beautiful supportive womb medicine) and sat to reflect on the day.

It was so different to previous periods and for sure I still have another 2-3 days where my usual symptoms may show themselves but for now day was really beautiful which is something I never in a million years thought I would say about my period.

So how can you be more intentional during your inner winter?

What was can you slow down?

It doesn't have to be something big that takes up a lot of time although if you do have the capacity for that I highly recommend you do. But even if it is a simple 5 minutes mediation with some calming essential oils or taking a 30 minute nap during the day. Or drinking your morning beverage outdoors in the sun. Please make some time for yourself. It will be the best gift you can give yourself during this time of rest and dreaming.


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